Photographs taken during the rehearsal of the video artwork Glíma.
Script and direction by Masbedo.
Actors and choreography by Erna Ómarsdóttir and Damir Todorovic.
Music by Lagash and Gianni Maroccolo.
Costumes by Gabriellu Battistini.
Taken during the festival “Avere trent’anni”, Centrale Fies, Dro (TN) Italy. 2010

The actors performed in front of big screens and were connected to each other from the hands of the actress to the head of the actor

A camera was attached to a big spider that recorded the performance and projected it to the big screens

Live music was played during the performance

The actor stands in front of the screen while the actress lies on the floor and plays in front the spider camera

The directors write on their computers during the performance which is projected to the screen

Gianni Maroccolo plays during the performance

A reflection of the director and actor discussing between performances

Dancer Erna Ómarsdóttir also sings during the performance

The directors Masbedo

Erna Ómarsdóttir and Damir Todorovic